Who Else Wants to Discover Secrets Most Men Will NEVER KNOW About What REALLY Works To Get You In Killer Shape... Without Steroids, Without Insane Meal Planning, and Without All the HASSLES You're Currently Running Into On A Daily Basis...
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Become a "True Insider"… and Let IMMERSION Transform You Into Our Next Winner…:

What you get




Here’s what the guys think about the Immersion package:

"As a immersion client, every single penny I spent especially on the UNCENSORED Podcast is gold." - Lloyd R.

"One of the biggest benefits of the immersion package is the vast amount of audio recordings it gives you access to. Going into it I though I was fairly well informed about all things diet and nutrition related, but after making my way through the UNCENSORED I realized how little I actually knew. Listening to those recordings is like taking a several college level courses on fitness. If you ask me that alone was worth the price of admission." - Andrew T.

"So far purchasing immersion has been a very positive experience. i like the fact that the guys have offered a payment plan for those of us who can't shell out hundreds of dollars at once. the UNCENSORED podcast and teleseminar have been a tremendous help as far as information. they've helped me discard a lot of the beliefs i had which now i realize don't make any sense at all. they also helped me understand how dieting works and how to keep at it the smart way and not crash like it's usually the case with all diets. I do not regret purchasing Immersion at all." - Brandon T.

And in case if you are wondering how much helpful the community is, here is the feedback:

Why this is the best opportunity for you?

It's no surprise that almost all of our contest winners have Immersion access. The right knowledge you get with the UNCENSORED podcasts and help you get from the community members or coaching calls with John Barban is what helped them build the body that was required to place at the top of the transformation content.

Where you want to get is up to you.

If you want to transform your body and even win the contest immersion is for you.


Transformation pictures

Real people, Real results. Without any dangerous drugs or insane amount of supplements.

Why this is the best opportunity for you?

Here’s what they are saying about community


Ask your questions and get the answers from John Barban each month.

What if personal trainers can’t help you or they give you tips that never work.

Do you have a question only someone who has worked in the supplement and bodybuilding industry can answer?

Don't worry, now you can.

Every month.


John Barban, coaching call host

John’s formal education background is a degree in human biology and nutrition from  the University of Guelph (Ontario Canada), and a Masters In Human Biology and nutrition also from U of Guelph. He did further graduate research and taught exercise physiology at the University of Florida. He’s got all the certificates you can think of, but considers them full of BS, so you won’t hear him ever mentioning them.

John worked in the dietary and sports supplement industry by researching and developing sports and weight loss supplements for the better part of the past 8 years. He still consults supplement companies on formula and product development. Some of the brands he has worked with include MuscleTech, NxLabs, Slimquick, ADS, BlueStar Nutraceuticals and Empowered Nutrition Products.

He spent 3 years as a varsity strength and conditioning coach (ice hockey) at the University of Guelph. John has also trained with a world class power lifting team. He keeps close ties with colleagues in the biomechanics field. This is how he stays up to date on the latest research in biomechanics and human movement science in general. He’s currently working on exercise programs and researching solutions to weight loss, muscle building and longevity.

No matter how difficult the question, John will give you an answer.

The UNCENSORED Podcasts (Retail Value $147 Per Season ALONE)

Who Is the UNCENSORED Information For?

The UNCENSORED podcasts are for anyone who is experiencing one or all of the following issues:

  • You feel lost in the fitness world and overwhelmed by all the advice on who to eat or train
  • You are still insecure about your physical appearance and fear of taking off the shirt on the pool parties and at the beach
  • You have a history of trying every diet, planning your meals, trying countless training programs, but without any results
  • You are one of those who just “don’t get it” or if it’s just doesn’t click for you how your body works, how your body stores fat and builds muscle and what you need to do get in shape
  • You feel like you get influenced by marketing very easily
  • You are basically out of shape and don’t know what to do next to get this handled, there is just so much information out there that you feel lost!

Let’s clarify first why are you experience all this:

  • You never had a chance for proper education on this topic
  • Nobody talks about it
  • Supplement companies are BSing you along with the fitness magazines
  • Drugs are illegal and nobody who is using them is going to admit it, but they will still pose for a supplement cover and when you see that cover you will think that by taking that supplement you can look like them, which is not true
  • You were tricked into believing it’s difficult, complicated and expensive to get in shape
  • You are seeking advice in magazines and from professional bodybuilders

What Can You Expect from the UNCENSORED PODCASTS?

You can expect to get all of your questions answered, here is what will happen after incorporating the advice from the UNCENSORED into your life:

  • You will be happy with the way they look
  • You will simplify your fitness lifestyle and make it more flexible
  • You will get a deep understanding of how fat loss and muscle building works that will leave you with simple to understand and easy to follow action steps you can implement right away
  • You won’t get affected by marketing from “experts”, magazines and supplement companies trying to sell you bunch of stuff that never delivers on the promise
  • You will know the truth about bodybuilding and why their advice about bulking, eating six meals a day and high protein diet doesn't apply to you
  • You will understand why it’s pointless to read fitness magazines
  • You will learn how to control your appetite and create huge caloric deficit every week
  • You will learn how to prepare for a fitness show and how take professional pictures like our Adonis Index Contest Winners
  • You will see flaws in a new research and not fall for poor interpretations of marketers and journalists
  • You will see what new trends are rising in the fitness industry and why you shouldn’t follow these trends
  • You will learn what training structures work the best for muscle growth
  • You will learn the most common myths in the fitness industry in 2011-2013 and how to avoid them

Season 1 of UNCENSORED Podcasts

uncensoredAdonisBox Get the premium UNCENSORED podcasts – all seasons today with immersion only!

Get all the drug, bodybuilding, muscle building, fat loss, contest prep podcasts all in one package. Now you can get the whole season and you can listen to each episode whenever you want.

Go through the research interpretation and learn how you are manipulated by the fitness media and how they like to misuse new research to convince you to buy a certain supplement like a whey protein.

Discover what really goes on behind the scenes in the bodybuilding industry, what you really have to do to get to national level bodybuilding contests and how to prepare for a live or online fitness show and win.

Season 2 of UNCENSORED Podcasts

UncensoredAISeason2 Get the premium UNCENSORED podcasts – all seasons today with immersion only!

Prepare to be blown away be new ways of thinking about supplements and muscle growth.

Your beliefs are going to be challenged.

You are going to get fresh content that has never been discussed by anyone, anywhere publicly yet TWICE EACH MONTH.

There are two podcasts loaded with brand new research and pdfs with summaries, take away points and ready to use tips for every month, covering different areas of muscle development and fat loss each month.


Wanna know what we usually teach in these podcasts?

  • In the first two seasons there is over 70 podcasts, so here are a couple of the topics we discussed:
  • Inflammation, Body Fat and Muscle Growth (Season 1, Episode 1)
  • Reviewing the Resistance Training Research (Season 1, Episode 13)
  • BCAA's - Facts and Fiction (Season 1, Episode 25)
  • Mr X, Behind the Scenes of Pro Bodybuilding (Season 1, Episode 20)
  • Shape of an Athlete (Season 1, Episode 29)
  • Truth about Breakfast (Season 1, Episode 33)
  • How Muscles Really Grow (Season 1, Episode 36)
  • Discussion with Psychologist on Your Capacity for Change (Season 1, Episode 45)
  • Lauren Jacobson UNCENSORED Interview (Season 1, Episode 40)
  • How to Age Well (Season 2, Episode 8)
  • Eating for Muscle Growth ( Season 2, Episode 11)
  • Eat for Flavour and 6-Step for Recovering form Orthorexia (Season 2, Episode 5)
  • And MUCH MORE!
The Paid Supplement DATABASE from Natural Standard (Personal Access Official Retail Value $300/Year)


Search any supplement ingredient you can think of and look up the studies yourself.

Natural Standard is the authority on integrative medicine. And it's much more than just a supplement database.

Here are all sections you get access through your online portal:

  • Foods, Drugs and Supplements
  • Medical Conditions
  • Drug Interactions
  • Drug Nutrient Depletions
  • Herb/Supplement Nutrient Depletions

Search by Medical Condition

Do you want to learn about the research and quality of the research on your favorite supplements to find out if it’s even worth taking them? Do you want to find out which supplements can help you with your goals?

Then the Natural Standard Database will help you do that.

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