Foundational Programs
Main Adonis Golden Ratio System
Looking for a good workout that will help you build your dream body, but not sure where to start?
You have come to the right place.
Once you get the Adonis Golden Ratio system you will be brought to a calculator that will determine which category you fall into and then we will give you a program specific to your body and your goals.
So it doesn’t matter if you are a skinny guy looking to build muscle, an overweight guy looking to lose weight and lean out or someone in between, meaning you want to pack on some muscle mass, but you know that you could lose some belly fat, either way we have you covered.
This system is specifically designed to help you:
- Get started
- Lose the stubborn belly fat
- Build muscle foundation
- Move you closer to your ideal body shape
And as a bonus, you will also notice a huge improvement in strength and conditioning.
One thing is to have a workout and a completely different thing is to have a workout that meets your goals.
With the workouts there are basically three things you should be aware of - consistency, structure, variety.
You will find all three key aspects incorporated in the Adonis Golden Ratio Workout plans. Consistency is taken care for you by specifically planed workout days for each week. And you won’t just get four workout days to cycle over and over week after week. Workouts have to be fun, which is why every workout session is unique and includes a variety of different exercises.
Each session is structured around your muscles that make up for your ideal shape (aka your Adonis Golden Ratio) - the last thing we would want for you is to spend all that time in the gym just to build an unattractive bulky body shape.
This system can really work as a base for your muscle building routines and diet plans. You can add cardio workouts to improve fat burning, you can add specializations (that are part of the system) to bring up your lagging parts and all while working towards your goal – ideal body shape.
This system is responsible for the best transformations online. Try it yourself today and judge by results, not by words - we offer a money back guarantee!
So what’s part of the AGR system?
You will get the calculator that will help you determine which program you should follow, supplement guide, nutrition guide, months of workout plans, video tutorials and a couple other sweet bonuses we won’t tell you about yet :).
So what are you waiting for? Click on the button below and get the AGR systems today!
Immersion is our flagship product for increasing your results.
Here’s what you get:
- Personal attention from John Barban himself (our supplement insider and training expert who has decades of experience), who will help you solve your individual problems that might be holding you from achieving the ideal physique
- Mobile apps and other cool software that will keep you connected with us and make your life and all the fitness stuff easier
- Specialty workouts that are build for your individual goals
- Video lessons to help you learn advanced technique and perfect form
- Premium Access to the Paid Supplement Database from Renowned Natural Standard - These will come handy whenever you will want to learn the truth about any ingredient or supplement. You should always check before taking new supplements (may not be worth it), and once you get access to immersion, first thing you should do is to check the supplements you are taking right now, you might throw them out after reading the science on them
- Instant access into the elite areas of the Adonis Index Community
- Over 100 Premium UNCENSORED Podcasts (access to past, present and future seasons as well) - This is what we are famous for (apart from our ridiculously amazing transformation pictures). We bring the brightest minds together and discuss the latest supplements and science findings (we don’t read articles from journalists, we prefer to go right to the original source - the people doing the research). Want to know what marketing claims are BS? Want to know who is on drugs? Come and joins us this week for another episode of the uncensored podcasts and we will tell you
- Access to Covert Nutrition Videos - We just added this a couple weeks ago and the guys love it
- Meal plans and Nutrition Calculator - With those two nutrition and losing fat has never been easier
- Book that explains it all - Want to know what it’s like to be on steroids? Or just want to know the story on how the golden ratio measurements were invented? Read this book!
- Tracker - Tracker is a sophisticated software allowing you to log your fitness progress and track it using our sleek graphs.
In a nutshell you get everything that’s under the AGR brand and all the future releases for one payment.
Are we crazy?
Maybe, but we also know that if you get this package, you will get insane results. For example, I bet you didn’t know that all of our contest winners have Immersion.
We will always be adding more awesome content to this package, however that means that the price will keep coming up. We have done this several times in the past, each time almost doubling the price and the guys were always regretting not acting on it sooner.
So take the offer today and save yourself some money and frustration in the long run.
Take advantage of the knowledge John Barban and Brad Pilon (and other team members) gained while studying exercise physiology and Human Nutrition at University of Guelph. Learn from their successes and failures from the past 15 years of hard and intense training and listen to their behind scene insights from the work with supplement companies and professional bodybuilders.
On this page you will find everything you need to successfully lose fat whether it’s 50 pounds to get lean or 5 pounds to get contest ready, also you will find here the best workout designs ever created specifically to help you build your ideal body shape.
All advice is backed up by solid research, tailored to your current experience and your goals and usually comes with a risk free guarantee.
Adonis Golden Ratio System is recommended first, these are additional products for the AGR members, alone they might not be as beneficial and they alone might not even make sense to you, so we really recommend the AGR system first.
Also, here’s a tip: Instead of buying program by program, we encourage you to check out Immersion - get everything (even future program releases) at once and save some money at a same time. Scroll up to read the description and see the offer.
Additional Programs for AGR All part of the Immersion Package
Elite Community
Introducing the best feature of Adonis Golden Ratio – The most honest and friendly fitness community in the world!
“If it wasn’t for the community I would never win the fitness contest” is not uncommon thing to hear from our contestants. The AGR community is a really strong core of guys that have been using this system from almost the beginning few years back and they know this stuff inside out. They will help you with any issue that arises, get you on the right track so you won’t allow your goals to be hijacked, which is so common in the fitness community and if you subscribe to their blog updates you will receive daily motivation and inspiration from their amazing progress.
Networking is the key to success, nobody ever succeeded alone, and if they say they did, they lie. If you talked to the most successful CEO’s and entrepreneurs you would find out that most of them are part of some kind of mastermind group and even if they think they are not they will still meet up on regular basis with other high profile businessman and discuss their visions and struggles. Does it come as a surprise? It shouldn’t, success is a result of determination among other key traits, but the real power comes from networking and co-operation. Building a great looking body that you can be proud of is no different than building a high profit company.
Imagine you have a question, what will you do? Most support centers don’t work, which is why this community is so powerful, it’s like the support center, but the difference is that this one works! You won’t have to wait for some assistant to get back to you and risk a chance of having your email fall into spam or get unnoticed.
Membership in this community will allow you to get quick answer to any question and most of the time from several people, so you will get different perspectives and approaches for the same challenge. Also there are hundreds of past threads that will most likely hold answer to any of your first questions. You can make great friends and use this membership to network and find new life opportunities.
Join our fast growing Adonis Index community and network with the same minded, successful and ambitious guys just like yourself.
And the best part? It’s free for AGR and Immersion members!
Click here to read what other people are saying about the benefits of the community.
Here’s the login for AGR and Immersion members:
If you are not a member scroll up to check out the offer.
AGR Meal Plans
Your Nutrition Will Make or Break You...
Adonis guys are busy, we get that. That's why we've designed these 9 incredible meal plans: to save you time and help you hit your macros so you can drop fat fast.
Who's got time for meticulous meal planning every single day?
Nutrition is a critical part of building the balanced muscle and impressive taper of the Adonis Golden Ratio look. Get it right each time by following our meal plans, specifically designed by the Adonis team to cater for every Adonis body type.
We've taken away the guesswork, number crunching and recipe planning. All you need to do is find out which of our meal plans is best for you, and stick to it. The results will come.
Use our Virtual Nutritionist to discover your calories, macros, fat loss and maintenance numbers. Then download one of our 9 meal plans for immediate access to day-by-day recipes with exact macro and calorie breakdowns. That's 12 weeks of different breakfasts, main meals and snacks with clear calorie, carb, protein and fat information for each meal and each day.
You're going to love these recipes. They're fast and easy to make but incredibly delicious. There's no need to eat boring fat loss food or carry cold boiled chicken around in a plastic tub. That's just not the Adonis way!
Download your meal plan now to see what we mean. We're talking steak, stroganoff and barbecue recipes. This is guy food, the Adonis way!
The Theory of Ideal Body Proportions
For the first time, our exclusive theory of the Adonis Golden Ratio is available as a book exclusively for the Adonis community.
It's all here: the Adonis ethos, how to identify your own unique Adonis Golden Ratio, why it matters, and how to achieve it. John Barban and the Adonis team have written and edited this 167-page manual so you have a blueprint for the Adonis lifestyle. It's the book we all wish we'd had when we started out!
You'll come to understand why the old-school approach of bulk, cut, bulk, cut, actually harms your physique over time and prevents you from ever maintaining a lean, athletic physique with incredible proportions.
You'll realise exactly why it's not just about how to put on muscle, but about where you add it to your body.
You'll learn about the darkest dirtiest secrets of the muscle building underworld and how you can look way better for life with our nutrition, training and supplementation protocols.
We'll help you hone in on your goals and then piece together the precise system which will get you there.
So much success will come your way when you live the Adonis lifestyle. It's about much more than fat loss, muscle gain and achieving your ideal body. It's about confidence, attitude, respect, business, relationships, sex and success.
But it all starts with the Adonis Golden Ratio. Download the book now and get these sweet audio bonuses.
Remember, this is the only place you can get the entire Adonis ethos in one place. Grab your book and audio downloads now.
The IXP Workout
IXP is our next-generation workout program for Adonis guys who have completed Final Phase and aren't ready to stop just yet.
As part of our Legacy Systems workouts, IXP gives you the opportunity to carry on the momentum you've built during Final Phase but gives you the opportunity to choose how you progress with specialist advanced training protocols.
IXP is named after the way the program is structured around three cycles. Here's what you'll get and why it's for you.
Cycle 1: Intermittent super sets
Cycle 2: X-sets
Cycle 3: Progressive tri-pyramids
Each cycle uses different techniques to build muscular hypertrophy, strength, endurance and cardiovascular conditioning. The cycles end with an over-reaching peak week which utilizes Fibonacci pyramids to challenge your body in a new way and to get it prepared for the start of the new phase. Through each cycle, we'll give you exact exercises, set schemes, rep ranges and rest periods.
IXP is John Barban at his best, designing a program which uses the latest, best researched and most effective advanced training principles for athletic muscle gain and fat burning.
Download IXP now to start Cycle 1 of this advanced training system.
The Gauntlet Workout
Are you ready to run the gauntlet to reach the ultimate heights of athletic conditioning and lean muscular proportion?
Adonis Gauntlet is a 12-week advanced muscular conditioning program designed for guys who are preparing for a photoshoot or physique contest. It's our most intense, exciting and challenging 12-week program. It's not for everyone. But if you're ready to commit to advanced conditioning techniques and strength training, and you can keep your goal in sight for this 12-week challenge, we welcome you on board.
Gauntlet is for you if:
- you already live the Adonis lifestyle
- you have eliminated excuses and distractions
- you need a 12-week blueprint to bring you in for a photoshoot or contest
We'll use giant sets, supersets, waves and other really advanced conditioning systems in Gauntlet. John Barban will guide you right through every workout, exercise and set.
Weeks 1-2 are physique conditioning
Weeks 3-4 focus on giant wave sets
Weeks 5-6 utilize mini-X sets
Weeks 7-8 bring in phase sets
Weeks 9-10 push on with power giant sets
Weeks 11-12 finish off with touch up sets and your peak week
We've laid down the gauntlet. Are you game? Download Adonis Gauntlet now and start this intense 12-week experience.
AGR Boosters: Basic and Advanced
Our Advanced Booster workouts are designed to really bring up specific areas of your body. Perhaps it's a lagging body part, something which is genetically weak, or simply an area you want to look even better. There's an Advanced Booster designed exactly for that.
We have designed truly effective targeted workouts for arms, abs, back, calves, chest, legs and shoulders so you can complete your Adonis Golden Ratio with the lean, tight, athletic muscle you need.
Small arms or loose abs?
Narrow or weak back?
Frustratingly small calves?
Unimpressive chest?
Legs lacking fullness?
Flat shoulders?
Like most guys, you have areas of the body you want to improve. Don't we all! Help is right here. Download the four-week Advanced Booster workout designed for your weakest body part and be amazed by the improvements you'll make by applying a focused workout protocol.
You're going to learn advanced training systems and very specific exercises so your body has no choice but to respond. This is not the kind of stuff you will learn in a regular workout or at a gym. Many of these exercises are old-school, forgotten exercises and some of them are so new they're not widely used (yet!) And they're all combined to devastating effect.
Check them out now and download one or more to fine-tune your Adonis physique.
Anabolic Again
WARNING: Proceed with caution. This workout is for advanced lifters only! It’s not for beginners or recreational lifters. Three years AT LEAST of CONSISTENT training required!
Did stagnation hit you hard?
Do you feel like you are not moving anywhere and your best years of muscle growth are long gone?
Would you like to put on a few more pounds and get really massive? And even benefit from your old workout programs again?
Introducing the brand new program unlike any other you have seen before – The Cluster Cycle AKA Anabolic Again.
This workout will not put on 50 pounds of muscle on your body, without drugs that is just not realistic for you at this point, but what will it do is help you build more muscle (we know you would kill for another pound of pure lean muscle mass) and increase your strength.
...And after you finish the protocol, you will start progressing with your old workout routines again just like you did when you first followed them.
You don’t have to wish to be younger again to see some muscle growth, you can just do the Anabolic Again workout and start seeing results in weeks!
Buy here:
Why should you grab access to the Adonis Uncensored Podcasts?
You already know how much great stuff we put out there through our free podcasts, emails and videos.
Uncensored gives you everything you love about audio - and more of it!
We love podcasts as a way of getting you the latest information and debates on controversial topics. We use them as a way to share our Adonis team chats with you guys. But there's so much more to say!
It's this extra content which you'll discover on the Uncensored series. Join John Barban and special guests Brad Howard and Brad Pilon. The guys get down and real with the hottest topics in the world of fitness, fat loss and muscle building.
Download access to the Uncensored series now and get immediate access to each new episode, plus no-holds-barred access to the full archives going back years!
Are you ready to dip right into the most valuable audio system in fitness? Join John and the guys.

Advanced Growth Series

You need John Barban's Advanced Growth series if you've completed the main Adonis 12-week workout program and want to keep the momentum high, making more of the exercises, techniques and protocols you've gotten to love.
We designed Advanced Growth to give Adonis guys more of what they're craving: structured, progressive workouts which maximize muscle hypertrophy and build cardiovascular conditioning whilst undeniably stripping away at excess body fat.
The goal - as always - is the proportionate, balanced muscle and athletic lines of your own Adonis Golden Ratio body.
Download Advanced Growth for immediate access to our five advanced programs:
Modules 1-4 consist of different 4-week workout which can be done separately or run together to build your own 16-week training program. Bonus module Shoulder Specialization really focuses in on the top line of your Adonis body using very specific advanced muscle building techniques to put just the right amount of muscle where it matters.
Are you ready to discover how John Barban has designed 4x4-weeks of exclusive Adonis training systems specifically for Advanced Growth? Download the PDFs now to get started: you're ready to push past the basics now.
AGR Final Phase

Final Phase is for guys who have chased down their ideal Adonis body using our main 12-week system… but want more. It's the next step in using training and nutrition strategies to build muscle, refine your physique's proportions, and lose that last bit of body fat.
Download Final Phase to uncover truly advanced muscle gain, fat loss and muscle protection strategies which will bring you closer to the Adonis body of your dreams. If you thought the body you got from your first 12 weeks was great, you're going to be blown away (and so is everyone who sees you!)
Final Phase training program
Our advanced muscle building, fat stripping program has been designed for guys who are already carrying significant muscle at low body fat. It's not for beginners or for guys who have a lot of weight to lose. You'll learn new techniques which will push you past anything you've already experienced. You'll be working out 4-5 times per week, using advanced techniques and clever protocols to keep your body working.
Final phase nutrition plan
Included in your Final Phase download is a nutrition program and supplementation program suitable only for guys who are already lean and athletic. These plans will show you exactly how to manipulate your nutrition and supplementation to get that extra body fat off whilst protecting your proportionate muscle.
Download Final Phase now and find out why this advanced program is getting such incredible results for other guys in the Adonis community!
Get Adonis Golden Ratio on your favorite mobile device and we will stay with you wherever you go.
Android Adonis Index
With this little app you can access our Community directly from your Android powered phone or tablet. You can message with your friends, access every post and join the discussion, view the members’ profiles and follow the blog updates of the AI contestants.
Finally you can do this fun stuff in your phone. We will stay with you and support your progress no matter where you are. Click on the link below and download the app today.
Adonis Index Mobile - iOS
Adonis Index finally on your iPhone and iPad. You can watch the howto videos and follow the workout routines right from your phone, submit the latest stats into the tracker and ask questions in the community without having to turn on your computer. With this little app you can access all forum threads and user updates inside the community and read all of the manuals and even listen to the podcasts directly from your iPhone or iPad. We will stay with you and support your progress no matter where you are. Click on the link below and download the app today. Make sure to update for the latest version.
Recommended Stuff Not under our brand - Not included in the Immersion
BlueStar Nutraceuticals
If you need to some quality protein, find a good creatine brand or just something to help you stay away from cakes and burgers there and lose weight try the Blue Star supplements.
These are the supplements that John Barban himself helped develop.
Blue Star Nutraceuticals isn’t your politically correct supplement company. They aren’t going to tell you fairy tale stories. Like how you can sit on the couch eating potato chips and just pop some magic pills and get in the best shape of your life overnight, like other so called supplement companies.
Blue Star Nutraceuticals is here to DELIVER you the EDGE that will help get you the body and performance you desire, but the truth is that you are still the one who has to do the hard work, there is just no way around it, no matter what other supplement companies tell you.
No Hype. No BS. Just Results.
Check out our most trusted supplement company and choose the supplements you really want and need to achieve your goals.
BioTrust, is a new line of health supplements founded by nutritionists Josh Bezoni and Joel Marion.
As nutritionists who believe that nutritional supplements play an important role in people’s health, they decided to create a supplement line that not only has top quality, all natural ingredients, but that also is free from hormones, antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, coloring, flavors, and preservatives.
Their supplement line includes IC-5, which provides Advanced Insulin and Carbohydrate Management. Additionally, IC-5 helps your body process carbohydratess correctly because it includes five different ingredients which BioTrust claims has been proven to help your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Another product from BioTrust is LeptiBurn, an advanced fat burning hormone supplement which increases your leptin levels, and helps your body burn fat.
BioTrust stands behind their product, as they offers a 1 year guarantee. If you return your empty or unused products within one year of the purchase date, you will receive your money back within 3 days.
*I may earn compensation from purchases placed through this link.
Fat Gripz
Why use Fat Gripz?
Fat Gripz can help reduce pressure on joints like your wrists, elbows and shoulders. You’ll spread the weight more evenly across your body. When you first use Fat Gripz, you may notice that there’s less pressure on joints like your wrists, elbows and shoulders.
You’ll increase muscle activation and you’ll eliminate imbalances, decrease the risk of injury and be able to lift more weight.
Thick bar training automatically targets your body’s weak links, unlocking massive increases in the strength of your whole body.
Fat Gripz are being used by thousands of athletes and military around the world, including the US Special Forces or the NFL players. Fat Gripz fit virtually all barbells, dumbbells, chin-up bars and cable attachments in seconds – making the bar more than twice as thick.
Immediate Impact Guarantee: You must feel the impact in your first workout or you’ll get a full and immediate refund.
Click on the special link below to get an Adonis Index discount.
Eat Stop Eat
Have you tried every diet there is? With very little or no results?
Well, the fact that no one talks about and no fitness magazine or dietitians will ever reveal to you is that diets simply don’t work.
As soon as you start restraining food choices, your plan will fail at some point. You will eat what you forbid to yourself anyway, just in secret. You will feel guilty and end up overeating as a result. It’s a vicious circle that leaves you fat.
Learn the easiest and quickest way to lose fat. Even while sleeping. No cardio necessary. No more macronutrients counting, no food choices restriction.
Introducing Brad Pilon’s revolutionary Eat Stop Eat that has freed thousands all around the world of obsessive compulsive eating.
Based on the 24 hour “windows” of not eating, you will never find a simpler way to get the weight off, and also keep it off.
Eat Stop Eat is mandatory reading for everyone who wants to get in control of his body, it’s that important of a concept.
Discover how to keep your social life and get in shape at a same time, almost no lifestyle sacrifice needed. No one will even notice you are dieting, they will just congratulate you on your results later on, how amazing is that?
How Much Protein
How much money have you spent on supplements this month alone? Was it really worth it? Did you “gained the extra 15 pounds of muscle” as promised?
And what about watching your protein intake? Doesn’t it bother you to constantly trying to hit 300 grams of protein every day?
The truth is that eating too much protein and trying to take the “necessary supplements for muscle growth” is uncomfortable, pricey and annoying and most of all completely unnecessary.
The fact is that it makes your social life a living hell and makes you poorer month after month and looking back you probably look the same as you did when you started with this approach years ago.
Well, it doesn’t have to be like this.
Discover the honest, research-proven answer to the question “How Much Protein do I Need to Build Muscle?”
Discover if you’re being ripped off every time you take out your hard-earned cash to buy more protein powder.
Free Materials
Adonis Index Transformation Walkthrough 101
If you are new to our systems, this manual will help you navigate around and make things clearer.
We’ve put together a 14-day structure that sums up the basics of what we are teaching, gives you the head start with the programs (that can come handy especially if you are considering our competition) and just make stuff simple overall.
It also has links to our best free podcasts and articles, so you won’t have to learn to navigate in the old archives, we will just give you the straight links you need.
Other Materials
Venus Index Systems
Do you have a girlfriend, who is looking for a perfect shape and muscle tone? Who wants to regain self-esteem, be happy with her body and be fit again?
Maybe she noticed you getting in shape and she would like to feel more feminine around you, but is clueless on how to do that.
We have several programs that consists of more than 2 years of training that you can give her!
Including different levels of difficulty, special workouts focused on the underdeveloped parts (yes “Butt booster” is included), full exercise gallery for each exercise and a community (just like we have here) of amazing girls, who are incredibly friendly and willing to help each other out.
…and much more.
Show the Venus Index to her and she will look like a model in 12 Weeks, or get your money back, we are that serious about this system. Get her this system and she will thank you later.
If you are still not sure whether to give her this system or not then just think of how much better the sex will be when she gets in an even better shape.